
Since its incorporation in August 1989, PRIMEX has a total of 412 completed and ongoing assignments in a wide range of sectors. This includes agriculture and rural development, natural resource management and the environment, social sectors, climate change, water resources and irrigation, and urban development and infrastructure.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Agriculture and Natural Resources is one of PRIMEX’s core sectors, with the Company’s ongoing and completed projects in this sector comprising over 40% of its engagements in the last two decades.


PRIMEX has participated in the planning, detailed design, and construction supervision of projects involving land, sea, and air transport in the Philippines and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In these projects, PRIMEX fielded various engineers, economists and finance specialists, procurement and contract management specialists, and environmental and social safeguards specialists, and gender specialists to conduct feasibility studies, prepare detailed designs, and supervise the construction of transport projects, mostly financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and some through public-private partnerships (PPPs).

Social Sectors: Health and Education

PRIMEX provides strategic advice and support to government agencies in the delivery of better health and education to target beneficiaries through improving access to, and quality of, facilities and services; designing and establishing management systems; and capacity development among others.

Infrastructure and Urban Development

This is an exciting growth area for PRIMEX in the next decade as the multilateral and bilateral development agencies, as well as developing country governments in the AsiaPacific region, commit to pouring huge amounts of funds in infrastructure development.

Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Management

PRIMEX has expanded its environmental sphere of expertise to include climate change. It has worked with multilateral organizations and government agencies in the conduct of environmental assessment and in the planning and implementation of environmental management, biodiversity conservation measures, conduct of vulnerability assessment studies, and climate change adaptation strategies, among others.

Water Resources, Irrigation, and Sanitation

PRIMEX has been working in the irrigation sector since its first year in business. Since 2012, PRIMEX  has been supporting the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) in the implementation of loan-funded water resource management (WRM) and irrigation projects in Cambodia.