Photo Gallery
PRIMEX President and CEO, Elvira C. Ablaza was awarded by her alma mater, the College of the Holy Spirit (CHS) Manila, as one of its 100 Outstanding Alumnae in the field of health and sciences during the CHS Centennial Year celebration held on 3 February 2013 at the Paraclete Auditorium in Mendiola, Manila.
11 Photos
Second Lower Education for the Most Disadvantaged Areas Project
Health Projects – Photos
Climate Change Projects – Photos
Natural Resource Management Projects – Photos
Irrigation Projects
Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle—Southeast Asia (CTI-SEA) Photos
Regional Cooperation on Knowledge Management, Policy, and Institutional Support to the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI KM) Photos
Decentralized Framework on Sustainable Natural Resources and Rural Infrastructure Management Photos
A total of 40 participants including Women leaders and ten IP representatives from the Bukidnon, Umayamnon, Higa-onon, Matigsalug, and Talaandig tribes , participated the “Simplified Business Plan and Proposal Preparation for Livelihood Microenterprises” workshop held on 29 January to 1 February 2013 at Haus Malibu, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.
26 Photos