DOH HIV Project will help in strengthening the advocacy of Local AIDS Council in General Santos


Dr. Jose Sescon, PRIMEX lead-consultant for the DOH HIV project, Accelerating Community-Based HIV Drug Abuse Health Service Models in Zamboanga and General Santos Cities (REI-CS-GOP-2010-31), initiated the campaign against HIV epidemic in General Santos by informing stakeholders about the project during the 112th regular session of the Sanggunian on 30 October 2012.

Dr. Sescon, through a presentation during the privilege hour of Hon. Marius Orlando A. Oco, Chairperson of the Committee on Health and Sanitation, emphasized that PRIMEX and DOH will help in strengthening the advocacy of the Local Aids Council (LAC) through the adoption of national laws and policies on HIV/AIDS and organizing planning workshops and capability building activities on the prevention of the epidemic. He also indicated that as part of the project goals, PRIMEX will advocate public health education and free access to health services in General Santos.