PRIMEX Executive Vice President Mr. Guillermo Morales joined the ADB Midterm Review (MTR) Mission for the Philippine Integrated Coastal Resources Management Project (RSC-C12582 (PHI): L2311-PHI/GRANT 0071-PHI) held from 18 February to 15 March 2011.
As the coastal resource management specialist, Mr. Morales worked with the Mission Leader and other Mission members in conducting an in-depth review of the current status and performance of the project, including an analysis of the reasons or factors causing its delayed implementation, and recommending measures and courses of action to address identified problems and hasten the pace of project implementation.
Immediately after the Mission wrap-up meeting, Mr. Morales headed back to Jakarta to resume his work as Team Leader/Project Management Specialist for the ADB loan-funded Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project, Phase II (COREMAP-II), where an ADB review mission will be scheduled from 21 to 31 April 2011.