
Ms. Elvira Ablaza, PRIMEX President and CEO, signing the US$10 million dollar contract for CTI Southeast Asia with Mr. Jesper Pedersen, ADB Procurement Specialist,  on 26 July 2012

Ms. Elvira Ablaza, PRIMEX President and CEO, signing the US$10 million dollar contract for CTI Southeast Asia with Mr. Jesper Pedersen, ADB Procurement Specialist, on 26 July 2012

The Company’s consistent outstanding performance in the design and management of development projects in the Asia-Pacific region has earned itself a reputation of excellence among international funding institutions.

After two decades of operations, PRIMEX has carved an enviable name in the industry by completing more than 200 assignments, mainly for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and for other organizations such as the World Bank and different United Nations (UN) agencies.

PRIMEX has worked with bilateral agencies such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); as well as government agencies in Indonesia, Cambodia, and the Philippines.

PRIMEX counts among its clients the following agencies: