CTI SEA consultants and PRIMEX support staff will fly to Bandung, Indonesia for the project’s Regional Inception Workshop which will be held in Carrcadin Hotel from 18-19 October 2012. It will bring together representatives from the National Coordinating Committees (NCC) of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, development partners, and the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat to discuss the national and regional projects that will be funded under CTI SEA.
NCC representatives will also report on the outputs from their respective national inception workshops which were held in September and October. The Project Management Consultants headed by PRIMEX will also discuss implementation arrangements as well as identify areas where proposed projects under each of the five goals in the Regional Plan of Action overlap or complement ongoing initiatives by development partners.
ADB and GEF are funding this technical assistance which will run from 2012 to 2016. Mr. Guillermo Morales, Team Leader and Institutional Development Specialist, will head the PRIMEX delegation.