Five team members from the Knowledge Management for the Coral Triangle Initiative (RETA 7307), led by PRIMEX Project Director, Ms. Elvira Ablaza, and Ms. Annabelle Trinidad, Team Leader, attended the CTI 7th Senior Officials Meeting (SOM7) as observers. The meeting was held at the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jarkata, Indonesia from 24-28 October 2011. The other members of the CTI KM Team were Ms. Surie Alip (Knowledge Management and Communication Specialist), Ms. Lydia Napitupulu (Junior Resource Economist), and Egide Cantin (Finance Expert).
The project launched the Coral Triangle Learning Resource Network (CTI-LRN) during the welcome dinner on 27 October 2011.
Minister John Moffat Fugui of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Meteorology of Solomon Islands presented the portal which serves as a knowledge hub for the CT6. It aims to promote collective learning and knowledge exchange in the CTI; provides resources on knowledge management, payment for ecosystem services, sustainable financing, decision support systems, and the State of the Coral Triangle Report; and has links to CTI sites of the National Coordinating Committees and to knowledge resources of GEF International Waters learning community.