Building Climate Resilience in the Pyanj River Basin

The Pyanj River poses significant flood and erosion risks to Afghanistan and Tajikistan. When the embankments are breached, the flooding damages the irrigated agriculture and settlements that have developed behind their protection.

Location: Tajikistan (Pyanj River Basin)

Duration: 23 Apr 2012-30 Jun 2013

Client: ADB

Description: The Project Preparatory Technical Assistance

technical assistance (PPTA) will prepare the design of a project will improve the livelihoods of Pyanj river basin communities vulnerable to climate variability and change. It will also identify the most vulnerable communities in the Pyanj River Basin, and for each jamoat (sub-district), select and design physical and non-physical adaptation measures to reduce the adverse effects of climate change on water resources.

Outcome: more climate-resilient communities in the Pyanj river basin, benefiting over a million people including the poor and women.


  1. improved access to water resources, including irrigation, water supply and water retention systems and technologies;
  2. decreased number of households at risk of droughts and floods, including small-scale protection infrastructure, early warning systems, microfinancing and micro insurance; and
  3. increased capacity of communities to respond to climate change, including strengthening of institutions and advisory services.


Dr. Thamrongsak Moenjak (Procurement Specialist)

Ms. Ester Felix (Poverty and Gender Specialist)